A sunset at Whitby - North Yorkshire, UK
I'm coming to the final stages of my Solo Photo Book Month project 2010. I have just over a week to shoot more photos and design the book. Plenty of time. So far, I have around 47 image so far and i think I'll get more photographs this week to make the number of final working book photos come to around 60. From that, I'll edit it down to the final 40.
The photographs I've taken have been a great mix of styles that i described in an audioBoo podcast as 'snapshots'. Maybe not a totally accurate way of describing the image capturing process, but it's close enough. Has the project turned out as i expected? Yes, better than I'd imagined actually.
My SoFoBoMo project book 'Making Movies' will be uploaded on July 7th and a download link made available on that day from the blog and my website.
My SoFoBoMo project book 'Making Movies' will be uploaded on July 7th and a download link made available on that day from the blog and my website.