Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Twittering away

Cromer sea front - Summer 2007

Blimey... it's nearly a week since i lasted posted on the blog. I do have a set of good excuses though starting with the main distraction of the week -the design and launch of the new website. Well, when i say new i probably mean tweaked and altered really. The basic feel of the website remains the same although the site was built from scratch - I've just incorporated a few cosmetic improvements and improved the layout of the website. More improvements will follow over the next few weeks.

The second item regards a twitter page that I've started at www.twitter.com/richflintphoto . For those unfamiliar with twitter, the easiest way to explain it is that it's a micro blog that can be easily updated via a computer or mobile phone. You are limited to 140 characters so messages remain short but I've come to enjoy twittering .... as it's called. I post weblinks i come across, news items and my day to day happenings.

The twitter page has an RSS feed so it can be subscribed to like any blog and I'll be using twitter to complement the main Richard Flint Photography blog. I'll mention what i'm up to, projects i'm working on and forthcoming RFP blog posts... oh and a few other things besides. If you have a twitter page pop over and say hello.

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