Sunday 6 March 2011

The tale of two routers

Burnham Overy Staithe - Norfolk, UK

Yesterday evening the Internet suddenly went dead. Nothing. Zilch. Kersplat. The router just needs restarting i thought to myself as i wandered into the living room where the troublesome Belkin router was located. Oddly it appeared to be restarting itself over and over again so I unplugged it. From then on my Belkin N1 router failed to light up at all. My WiFi router was dead...gone... or so i thought.

One aspect of dealing with tech problems is that they seem to catch me out nearly every time when it comes to how simple the solution can be. It's a box not ticked or just a number or letter out of place that causes no end of problems. Being a bit of a tech enthusiast, i always tend to over-think problems. No power means that the electronics have fried and my router is dead. That theory concluded my brief post mortem of my electronic device. How wrong I was.

Yesterday afternoon, i buy a new WiFi gizmo, get it home and decide to just try the  new power adapter included with my new router on the old 'faulty' Belkin N1. Power! Lights come on and hey presto, the old router is back up and running. Bah! A simple faulty power adapter was the culprit for all the hassle.

A simple answer you see. I never seem to learn. Still, at least I have a backup WiFi router now.

1 comment:

PutuEka said...

very simple solution if we understand..
positif way, you have backup for the future