Saturday 30 May 2009

SoFoBoMo Edit

Postbox near the art gallery in York

The photographs have been taken and now it's the editing part. I took around 500 images yesterday, although actual individual images probably work out at around 200. This is about what I'd take on a average commission. I double up a lot on shoots just to have backups. That's the benefit of digital photography over film - you can shoot as much as you want. It could be interesting to do a SoFoBoMo project with just one roll of 36 exposure film. With 35 images needed for the book, you would have to control your shooting very very carefully. The margin for error would be tiny.

Over the next day or two, I'll be converting images from the RAW format to jpeg, and then put the photographs through photoshop. By Monday I'll be adding the finished images to the book. Then it's just a matter of finalising text and the book will be nearing completion. I want to get the project completed and uploaded by Friday 5th, which is a couple of days before the final deadline for the project.

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